Day 2 – God’s timing is always perfect; He knew the perfect time to send JESUS, the Messiah, into the world. Galatians 4.4
Day 3 – “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I, Ellen, am the worst.” 1 Timothy 1.14-16
Day 4 – Remember that Christmas is a time to share our blessings and become generous, honest, cheerful givers. “…it is more blessed to give than receive.” Acts 20.35
Day 5 – Jesus has come to live among us. I am to live each day knowing that Jesus was physically present in my home, always. Revelation 21.3
Day 6 – As a believer, I am God’s servant. He can do anything You want with me. Luke 1.28-30, 47-49, 54-55
Day 7 – Name Him Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) which means “the Lord saves.” Luke 1.31, Matthew 1.20-21, Philippians 2.10-11
Day 8 – Jesus is the One and only Son of God. Luke 1.31-33, 1 Samuel 7.12-13, 16
Day 9 – The Holy Spirit brings life to our dead, innermost places when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Luke 1.35, John 6.63
Day 10 – The Holy Spirit helps us recognize Jesus; and when we do, we jump for joy! Luke 1:41-44
Day 11 – I need to magnify the Lord by having higher, larger, and truer thoughts of God. This means humbling myself before Him. Luke 1.46-48 and Psalm 34.3, “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.”
Day 12 – Jesus-born of ordinary parents, from an obscure little town, a teacher-not a conquering king – Our Savior. God uses simple, ordinary things and people to accomplish His work in the world. Micah 5.2, 4
Day 13 – Just as God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus; we, too, need to prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus in a fresh, new way this Advent season. Isaiah 40.3, Mark 1.4, Luke 1.17
Day 14 – When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem for the mandatory census, all the rooms were taken. Jesus, the Son of God, was born in a stable and laid to rest in a manger. I need to make room in my heart, my thoughts, and my time/schedule for Jesus to enter in. Luke 2.1-20
Day 15 – After Jesus was born, He was wrapped in strips of cloth – swaddling clothes- the clothing of the humble and lowly. I need to be clothed in humility daily. Luke 2.7, Colossians 3.12, 1 Peter 3.3-4
Day 16 – Jesus’ birth brings JOY to all who accepts Him as Lord and Savior. Luke 2.9-11, 20; John 15.10-11
Day 17 – God’s glory is revealed in the birth and life of Jesus Christ. Luke 2.9, 2 Corinthians 4.6
Day 18 – God sent not one, but a host of angels, to announce the birth of His son – the Prince of Peace. Luke 2.13-14
Day 19 – Christ became poor to open the door to God’s riches---- salvation. Christmas is about giving, not getting. What are you giving this season? 2 Corinthians 8.9
Day 20 – The shepherds went to Bethlehem to see what the angels told them. They left the stable believing in Jesus and sharing the good news! Luke 2.15-17
Day 21 – On Jesus’ birthday we come and give ourselves and our worship to Him with great JOY! Matthew 2.1-2, 10
Day 22 – Jesus was born to die for my sins. When the kings came to worship Him, they brought gold (gift for a king), frankincense (grain offering pleasing to God), and myrrh (to be used when He died). Isaiah 60.3, 6; Matthew 2.11
Day 23 – Jesus saved me from my slavery to sin. HE is my Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9.6-7
Day 24 – A virgin will conceive from the Holy Ghost so the child she bears will be holy, and will be called the Son of God. Isaiah 7.14, Matthew 1.18-25, Luke 1.26-38
Day 25 – Jesus is born! Micah 5.2, Matthew 2.1-12, Luke 1-20
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