Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Festivities

What Fall Festivities do you have in your home school?

When my kids were younger, we enjoyed a lot of hands-on fun like painting pumpkins, Halloween cookies and costumes, Fall Festivals at the church, and decorating the home.  But, for some reason, these activities no longer appeal to teenagers.  I really don't know why?!?!  Michael (age 14) enjoys carving pumpkins and has created 2 hauntingly eerie faces so far.

Since most of the hands-on fun is in our past, we do enjoy running around the corn maize with fellow homeschoolers!  The pictures below are from our trip to the Rock City Corn Maize just south of  Chattanooga, TN.

The Children of the Corn!

Melissa enjoying the scene from above!

See, teens can be silly, too!

Give Away..... Give Away..... See Below!

Click here to enter my first GIVE AWAY... The Least Among You  (DVD).  For my review on this movie, click here.

This post is linked to The Homeschool Village blog hop.


  1. Hi - Visiting you from The HOmeschool Village. I've never been to your blog before and I'm glad I found you - I'm your newest follower!

  2. Hi! How have you been? I have not been making my Homeschool Blog Rounds as consistently, lately.

    We did the corn maze, hay ride, etc in Ohio, Here on the Central Coast in California, there is just not a good hay ride and no corn mazes.... the one barn does make a small, kiddie maze out of hay bales.

  3. It's all about social stuff now, huh?! Having a little one gives ME an excuse to do all the fun stuff...

  4. Looks like a fun time.
    Every fall, I like visiting the corn mazes as well.

  5. I love your activities....corn mazes are so much fun! Thanks for linking up at the Homeschool Village. It's great to see the activities we can do with our older children!


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading you thoughts!

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