Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back to School Traditions

Do you have any fun and interesting ways to get your students excited about the new school year? 

As a family, we try to schedule a FUN field trip before we dive into our coursework.  Also, our local home school support group hosts a ‘Back to School’ picnic mid-August. We enjoy a picnic-style dinner and games for the kids. This is a great way to reconnect with other home schoolers before you get knee-deep into your academics.

On a more academic note, we begin our first day of school with only 2 subjects.  Then each day I add another subject.  We will have a full course load by the end of the second week.  This helps both the students and teacher acclimate into the school year less stressfully.


  1. what a great idea - slowly getting into a full load by the 2nd week!

    link up at


  2. I so love this idea of ramping up the subjects! I think you may have just started a new homeschool trend! :)

  3. I stopped by from the HSV favorite book hop and decided to nose around a bit further since I also have teenagers.

    We begin our first day of school with a breakfast out with my husband while the kids show off their new school duds.

    Like you, we don't start out full speed.

    A field trip sounds like a great way to start the year! Blessings!:)


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading you thoughts!

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