It has been a rollercoaster of a week. I had been monitoring a lump in my b***** for about a month and decided it wasn't going away or getting any smaller; I needed to see the doctor and have further tests. I informed my wonderful husband before church Sunday morning. Needless to say, he was taken completely by surprise.
I saw my doctor on Thursday morning and had my mammogram and ultrasound that afternoon. By God's great mercy and grace, both tests came back "normal."
For all the women who have walked this path before me, I applaud you. It isn't easy to acknowledge a lump and then have to call it by name. The fear is overwhelming. I kept mentally singing the song from Isaiah 43 (You are Mine). "Do not fear, for I (God) am with you; I have called you by name, you are Mine...."
Praise the Lord. Yes, something we all probably fear, yet, we are told not to fear. So hard!