As we close another fun-filled week of learning, I am reminded as to why I home educate.
Proverbs 1.7 states "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." I not only desire our teens to learn their 3 R's, but also to revere GOD and increase in their knowledge of Him. Then, "He will make your (their) paths straight." (Prov 3.6b) My prayer for our teens is that they will be so grounded in Christ that their choices now and in the future will reflect Him to those around them.
Another verse that I keep in front of me is 2 Timothy 2.15: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." I feel this weighs more heavily on me than the teens. As the "teacher," I need to be very careful to present Biblical truth and not my version of truth. I do not want to be the "wolf in sheep's clothing" and lead any astray.
Home educating is a privilege I do not take lightly. God has called us and is equipping us each step of the way.
So I am confused about the verses you quote. You say you want your children to fear the Lord and take heed in wise instruction if I am reading this correct. Also to present themselves before God as an approved workman BUT you take and have a picture of your 14 year old son at Hooters, hmmmm doesn't make sense? You have a contradiction here...
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between Biblical Truth and your version of truth?
What is Truth????