Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our Home School Dad

I would presume most home schools are primarily run by mom.  Our's is no different.  Yet, I couldn't home school our 3 kids without his support.

My husband’s main involvement is praying for our school, the students, and the teacher. Many days I try to run ahead of God and do school on my own.  Usually, these are the days that we have problems.  Knowing Rod is also covering our school in prayer is so comforting.

He also is an insightful advisor and counselor.  When I begin to question if a problem is me, the curriculum, or the students, he is able to step back and see the whole picture. He is then able to find a solution without emotions and tears.

Rod spends a lot of time with the kids.  He just had a fun-filled weekend in Gainesville, FL, at the University of Florida.  They participated in the college tour and took in the first Gator football game of the year.  He has been our daughter's varsity's team assistant basketball coach, plays Frisbee golf with the boys, Cub Scout and now, Boy Scout leader, etc.  He tries to give me some free time (sans kids) in the evenings so I can catch up with paperwork or just enjoy some quiet time.

Once, in a great while, I need to call him in as the PRINCIPAL to deal with academic shortcomings or attitude problems.  Why do the kids seem to respond faster to him than me?

How is your husband involved in your school?


  1. Brian (my husband) is great with math and loves astronomy. He's always been our math guru. I do math with Ki (youngest) because of is learning style, but anytime the older boys have needed help, Brian helps them (they don't learn the way I teach).
    he supports us financially, of course. He teaches the boys about tools, car maint., and is our Spiritual Leader.

    He sends links to cool science info from work (Aerospace for the government) and teaches the boys stuff about history and space (when the history is about space or air battles in WW1 & WW2)

    and he is my personal massage therapist and starbucks gopher when I need a break.

  2. Hopping over via Hip Homeschool Hop. My husband oversees the boys' schooling from time to time when I have another duty to attend to...or just need a moment to find myself.

  3. HA! Mine is primarily the "Principal", too. He doesn't have the patience to teach. Following your from the Hop!


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